I got to tell you. My Amo, (Cece) was quite the case when she returned from Nashville. She looked tired, acted tired and would hug me and start to cry. I know she loves me but shish! She gets that way when she's over tired. All lovey, dovey and weepy.
She and Gary returned on Sunday. I was so happy to see them and a little sad too. My buddies, Frankie, Rosie, Joey & Janvier left. They come and stay with me when my Amo leaves. I love to play with them. I love to grab Rosie by the neck (she has these beautiful folds there - you know perfect "love handles") that I can grab and pull her around with. Rosie just lets me, for awhile, but she gets her time in too. She likes to nip and my legs! Yikes!
On Monday & Tuesday all I did was sleep. Amo and Gary both worked and worked - I finally got tired of all that sleeping and starting nipping at Cece's legs to pay attention. HELLO - I'm here! PAY ATTENTION! She did for a short while. Then she went to sleep. Oh well, maybe tomorrow will be better.
Wednesday - much better day. Hey - she's cooking! That's a rare occasion. It's usually Gary doing the cooking. Oh the smells. Will they share? What am I saying - Cece always shares. What's it going to be? Some kind of yeast smell - yuck! What's she making? Ah Gary's cooking something good. I can smell, I can smell . . .Roast chicken! My favorite (today). Yummy! I love Gary! He yells at me and tells me "get out of here! You're not going to get any of this!", knowing of course that my Amo will give me some out of her plate. Heck, she looks for my favorite parts - the leg! She tells Gary it's her favorite and cuz he loves her she gets that piece (but I know who it's really for - ME)! And guess what - BONUS! Frankie & Rosie are back. They're staying at my home again. Hey - that's my bed guys. Move over to your bed. Hey guys! Guys? Okay fine - I like Amo's bed better anyway.
We wake up Thursday morning and Cece's not jumping out of bed. In fact she's just layin here with me. Wat up? Gary brings her a cup of something hot in bed. I get close to it to smell it. Yuck - smells like coffee. No thank you. Hey - she's still in bed. What is this - a holiday? Then she grabs me and snuggles a little longer and I go back to sleep. I'm not a morning dog you know. Believe it or not, but food in the morning just never sounds good. Ah -- I love laying around with Amo. Rats. She's getting up. Then they both start cooking more stuff. It smells amazing in here. Food! Food! Frankie, Rosie and I hang around hoping something will fall for us to eat. Nothing. Man they're being clean. I hate that!
Oh, oh - they're starting to pack stuff up. Are they going to take me or leave me? I hate this part. Never knowing whether I'm going to be left behind or not. I hang around Amo's legs. She'll take me (if Gary lets her). He takes food out to the car, back again, more food, back again, more food and then. . .Hooray! She picked me up. I'm going! Where am I going? I don't care - I'm going!
Wow - the smells at Aunt Linda's place. Food, food and more food! It's a feast. An amazing feast. But wait - I have to see Raider and Sam. Let's play! Hey guys - wait! Hold it - you're faster than me. Yo! That's my tail you've got in your teeth. Letttt goooooo! Tag your it!
Time for food. Sorry guys, you can't come in. My Amo says only I can come in. Don't worry, she always brings food for you too. And guess what? It's turkey! And mashed potatoes. I love mashed potatoes. Is there gravy? Yeah - gravy too! Okay - sit quietly by her legs, don't make any noise, listen - she'll say it. . . "Winnie". Here it comes. TURKEY LEG! I've died and gone to heaven.
Isn't God amazing. He even gives me "the desires of my heart". In fact, he always goes one better than what you think you like. I love chicken legs, and what does He do? He gives me turkey legs! BONUS! All I have to do is trust that if I'm quiet and just sit by him and wait....and listen....he'll give me all I want and more!
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